Aquarius Personality Profile

Aquarius Dates: January 20 – February 18

In your element: Air

Symbol: The Water Bearer

Ruling planet: Saturn and Uranus

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Colour: Blue

Scent: Patchouli, Geranium

Aquarius Compatibility: Your Shadow Sign/Soul Mate is Leo

Also swipe right for: Gemini, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius

Your superpowers: Authentic, unique, humanitarian, friendly, eccentric, quirky, unpredictable

Quick Summary

A brilliantly curious sign, who shuns rigidity and tradition, in favour of seeking out the unusual and intriguing things in life. You'll often be found exploring - whether that's new boutiques, books or unfamiliar terrain. And you like to surround yourself with people that help to fuel this instinctive curiosity.

In style you're often called 'eccentric' - by which people just mean playful and fun. You're keen to try something new and seek to be different.

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Aquarius Traits


Blessed with a taste for the eccentric and unusual, Aquarians aim to wave their mighty freak flags proudly and loudly. Life is one grand experiment for Water Bearers – but never forget that you’re actually an intellectual air sign.


You have learned the art of detachment, allowing you to stand back and observe the weirdness that is human nature, taking many notes for later creative and experimental use. Friends are often as important, if not more essential to your happiness and wellbeing than lovers. You need your squad to flourish in life and have a knack for befriending the most diverse group of mates imaginable – and bringing everyone together.

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Always light years ahead of the mainstream, Aquarians often feel like complete aliens on this planet. Your genius is so far ahead of its time, you may often feel misunderstood. Yet you’re the fabulous, futuristic trendsetter. Born to be famous, Aquarians take to the spotlight with ease and are at the very least wildly popular. You probably have an endless list of followers on social media.


Self-love is your greatest challenge this lifetime. Somehow, no matter how many people love you, you can retain a sense of isolation and a feeling that you should or could do more. You can sometimes feel like you’re on the outside of the glass looking in – even when you’re the one that invited everyone to the party. But when you finally fully accept your own inner weirdo you’ll get over this once and for all.

Aquarius Compatibility - Love and Sex


When it comes to love Aquarians are often torn between looking for a deep commitment and a need for freedom. The moment you feel tied down, constrained or racked with expectations is the moment you go desperately searching for the nearest exit. You need a partner who can keep you on your toes, provide you with plenty of space and challenge you intellectually. If the boredom of routine or predictability threatens, you’ve already got one foot out the door.


You’re also the sign most open to kink and experimentation. In fact, you’re pretty bored without it and vanilla sex is likely to lose your interest straightaway. To keep your heart means to keep you intrigued. The element of surprise works wonders for your libido.

Aquarius Beauty and Style


Beauty regimens are not typically high on the lofty list of Aquarian ideals, and yet you have a way of looking effortlessly gorgeous with minimal effort. It’s not that you don’t appreciate the glamour; you just can’t be bothered with a lot of fuss on a daily basis. Why primp and prep at the expense of doing more interesting things?

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However, when it comes time for an important date or event, few can dress to kill the way you can, Aquarius. You are eminently future-forward and on-trend without even trying. You prefer unique pieces that stun. Look for outfits that can be easily paired with unexpected, eccentric accessories whenever the mood strikes you to switch it up. When it comes to beauty, you’re the first to experiment. Whether it’s a stunning tattoo, violet-fringed bangs, neon eye shadow or extreme nail-art, you’re on it first, and once it gets popular, you move on to what’s next.

Aquarius Celebrities

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Alicia Keys
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Kerry Washington

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